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What is a Web Developer? – Definition, Functions, Equipments, And More

What is a Web Developer? – Definition, Functions, Equipments, And More

Definition Web Developer

Today, web developer(s) who specialize in web technologies have to be able to do much more than the traditionally static, technically precise websites. With the scope, complexity, and dynamics of web applications, the demands on developers also increase.

What are your tasks?

As a web developer or web engineer (also called a web or multimedia programmer), you design and develop web-based software solutions – in short: web applications. In addition to planning the design and architecture, you also take care of further development, maintenance, and subsequent optimization of existing websites or web applications.

In contrast to pure application developers, you use hypermedia documents together with the browser as a user interface. There are also conceptual differences in terms of the display of content and site navigation. Your tasks as a web developer include server-side programming scripts and the interfaces between different systems (system integration). You are also responsible for the development and connection of databases and management of the authoring and editing systems.

As a web developer, you typically carry out requirement analyzes and implement automated tests as well as server and browser-side code. For corporate websites with a global focus, internationalization and localization processes must get carried out.

When it comes to developing web services or APIs, you may only be dealing with web developers. As a rule, however, you work from web design to implementation with web designers and concepts to keep an eye on the visual design and technical feasibility. Marketing experts and e-business strategists are also involved in many interdisciplinary teams.

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Where can you work?

Web developers are found in almost every internet, media, and full-service agency, as well as in most organizations with their own IT department. Larger companies, especially in the area of ​​e-commerce (e.g., online shopping, paid content), also rely on professional web developers—likewise, the operators of highly complex portal systems, such as Forums and community websites.

What should be your specialization?

As a web developer, you have the same opportunities to focus on as a software developer. So: architecture, programming, or databases. Also, your area of ​​responsibility gets divided into front-end and back-end development. Depending on your strengths and interests, you can focus entirely on the client or server-side. Full-stack developers are at home on both sides.

For web developers, as for almost all IT professions, the larger the company, the more specific your tasks are. There you can concentrate, for example, on database connection or the generation of user interfaces. In small companies, on the other hand, it may be that your tasks also include the areas of web design, digital marketing, visibility, or search engine optimization (SEO = Search Engine Optimization).

Are you a Web Developer?

Many different technologies interact in web development. Therefore, you master all software development tools and, in addition to the various script, template, and web-specific programming languages, also have graphical layouts in your toolbox.

Basic Equipment for Web Developers

You primarily have experience in JavaScript (specifically: jQuery) and with GUI frameworks. For back-end professionals, HTTP, JavaScript (specifically: Node.js), web services and relational databases (SQL) are the order of the day. You also have object-oriented programming (OOP) in your repertoire.

In addition to the technical knowledge, you also have methodological skills, e.g., in requirements analysis or software architecture. In addition to content management systems (CMS) and templates, you ideally also know about test concepts. Sometimes, you are an enthusiastic team worker and like to exchange ideas with your colleagues.

What can you earn?

Various factors influence your salary as a web developer. Industry, size of your company, and your degree also have a significant impact on the number on the payslip.

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