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5 Challenges To Solve Using Network Automation

5 Challenges To Solve Using Network Automation


Many businesses face a significant challenge in their quest for increased efficiency because their corporate network is more complicated to operate. Workloads and IT resources dispersed across the network have resulted in extremely complicated setups and limited network visibility. Historically, most network administration work was done manually via command-line entries. That has proven to be time-consuming, costly, inflexible, and prone to errors.

Complex, difficult-to-manage networks stifle business innovation, making critical security upgrades more difficult and raising operational costs. The search for more effective network management techniques has been a natural result of this collection of limitations.

However, there is an opportunity to drive change in networking practises: the rise of network automation has demonstrated that networks can be managed and highly automated in software. The long-desired speed and flawless consistency are now within reach thanks to the introduction of network automation solutions.

Here are top 5 challenges network automation can help you with!

1. Manual Configuration Errors

It is obvious that manual processes are almost always prone to human error. Especially in organisations where IT teams must monitor a large number of devices. Indeed, when teams are stretched thin, it is easy for people, no matter how good they are, to make mistakes.

The problem is that minor errors, such as a typo or applying a change to the wrong device, can sometimes lead to major problems later on: service errors, network configuration drift, and even downtime. The good news is that network automation can help your team reduce manual errors, resulting in increased accuracy and a lower risk of network failure.

2. Operational Expenses

Reduced time, errors, and increased efficiency make the network faster and more agile, which benefits application development and deployment efforts. Businesses can thus achieve faster results at lower costs. Automation also reduces the resources that must be allocated to repetitive network tasks and instead puts them to good use, resulting in additional cost savings.

All of this is accomplished by tracking the inventory of your network devices and paying maintenance only on those devices that are connected to your network. Track the age and OS version of all your devices to determine which devices to upgrade next in a network refresh.

3. One-to-Many Cloud Interconnection

By providing a private cloud on-ramp to all major cloud service providers (CSPs) at the edge, network automation makes it simple to aggregate, optimize, and secure cloud connectivity. Equinix Fabric enables businesses to take full advantage of all CSP connection options available by leveraging one-to-many software-defined interconnection via a single physical port, providing unparalleled flexibility and scalability while maximizing each CSP’s strengths.

4. Simplification of Network Management

Because manually managing network management processes takes time and resources, many processes are not performed on a regular basis. These processes can be performed more frequently with network automation, reducing network downtime and failure. An automated network also ensures that configurations are consistent, making management easier and faster.

By automating manual changes and updates, you can improve network performance, be more agile, and streamline (even accelerate) the rollout of new applications and services. Network automation improves your ability to adapt dynamically to the needs of your business.

5. Market Scope And Expansion

Many processes are not performed on a regular basis because manually managing network management processes takes time and resources. With network automation, these processes can be performed more frequently, reducing network downtime and failure. An automated network also ensures consistency in configurations, making management easier and faster.

You can improve network performance, be more agile, and streamline (even accelerate) the rollout of new applications and services by automating manual changes and updates. Network automation enhances your ability to adapt to the changing needs of your business.


That’s all the list right now. Networks are vast. Networks are complex, and they are becoming more so. Automation is the only way to manage the size and complexity while maintaining high availability. Still having trouble with manual procedures? Blue Planet provides a unified and highly scalable platform that can handle multiple network aspects. Get in touch with us today to learn more!

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