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What is Communications Security (COMSEC)? Definition, Types and More

What is Communications Security (COMSEC)? Definition, Types and More

COMSEC Definition

COMSEC (Communications Security) ensures the security of the confidentiality and integrity of telecommunications – two pillars of information security (IA). In general, COMSEC may refer to the security of information that is transmitted or communicated.

In the North Atlantic Treaty Organization culture, including the United States Department of Culture Defense. Which regularly alludes to by the shortened form COMSEC.

The field incorporates cryptographic security, transmission security, emanation security, and physical security of COMSEC gear and related key material.

To protect both classified and unclassified military communications traffic networks, including voice, video, and data COMSEC. Both analog and digital applications, and also both cable and wireless links, use it.

Voice over secure Internet protocol has become the standard for the protection of voice communications. Replacing the need for secure terminal equipment in much of NATO, including the US. USCENTCOM moved ultimately to VOSIP in 2008.

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How has COMSEC (Communications Security) been used in recent times?

Mobile phones are a coveted target of spies and hackers, which is why it is not surprising that more and more companies and institutions want to protect the communications of their executives and key personnel.

And its use does not stop growing in the Spanish Public Administration, having won all the tenders in which it has competed in the last three years.

Technical characteristics

What are the Types of COMSEC? (Communications Security)

There are five COMSEC security types:

Crypto security

This encrypts data and makes it unreadable until the data is decrypted.

Emission Safety (EMSEC)

This prevents the release or detection of emanations from devices such as cryptographic devices, thereby preventing unauthorized eavesdropping.

Physical Security

Ensures security and prevents unauthorized access to cryptographic information, documents, and devices.

Traffic Flow Security

Hides messages and message characteristics flowing in a network.

Transmission security (TRANSEC)

This protects transmissions from unauthorized access, thereby preventing interruptions and damage.

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