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What is Moodle? – Definition, Features, Advantages, And More

What is Moodle? - Definition, Features, Advantages, And More

Definition Moodle

Moodle is a free and open-source learning platform. Moodle stands for “Modular Object-Oriented Dynamic Learning Environment.” It is written in PHP, distributed under the GNU General Public License.

What is the Moodle platform?

If you are looking for a platform focused on teaching, to be able to work directly with your students or employees, you have to take a look at Moodle. Moodle meant Modular Object-Oriented Dynamic Learning Environment, founded by Australian pedagogue and computer scientist Martin Dougiamas.

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Features of Moodle

It is a learning management web application (LMS) developed with PHP technology, MySQL databases. With a GNU GPL public license, you can install it on almost any web server.

Advantages of Moodle are so many that today it is global

More than 130 million registered users.

It is active on more than 100,000 web pages.

These figures show that its success is not the result of chance, but it is due to its excellent performance.

This is a free application,  dedicated to online teaching, primarily based on constructivism (the teaching process works as a dynamic, participatory, and also interactive process of the subject).

It has an easy interface that has been developed by a team of psychologists and also educational psychologists.

It aims to be quite accessible, not at all confusing, and with a lower learning curve than other cms (content management system).

All these wickers make its use quite indicative and straightforward, with which it can approach everyone.

It works on quite clear concepts, where communication between its users is the basis of everything, to generate an excellent learning experience that can be just as relevant—both for the teacher and the student.

How does Moodle work? Distance education and online teaching

Unlike face-to-face training, it is a learning CMS with which we can maintain a social community created through the internet made up of both teachers and students; all communication works through the network. It IS accessible at any time.

We can access Moodle from any device in which we can obtain a browser and have an internet connection.

Through this connection, we can strike up a conversation. As if it were an email between the participants themselves. We can also share different types of documents and content.

It is as if we were in a virtual classroom where we can deliver work to a teacher, or download some notes files that he has enabled.

Use Moodle as a learning platform

One of the most important aspects for which it is quite successful is its optimized operation.

We will have all the necessary tools to reach our students and offer them training and knowledge on any subject.

For starters, it allows us to work with all kinds of formats, be they Word documents, Excel, PPT, Flash, videos, audio.etc.

We can practically share almost all the files we need

As if it were face-to-face classes, in which with a USB device connected to a local computer, we can show our files to the teacher or other classmates.

Here we can do it with total freedom through the internet and also from the tranquility of our home or office through their virtual classrooms.

This operation is a standard, making it perfectly applicable to any type of virtual course or teaching, given the versatility that it has.

Many web portals, ICT sectors, and e-learning platforms of the Public Administration, as well as the University in Spain or Mexico and many other countries (Open University in the United Kingdom), use it on their virtual campuses.

Easily create courses for any subject

Another essential aspect that it has is that the person who administers it, understand in this sense that he is the teacher in question, can create courses, and use various training resources for it.

Examples of them are:

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Review What is Moodle? – Definition, Features, Advantages, And More.

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