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What is Cryptanalysis? – Definition, Methods, and More

What is Cryptanalysis? - Definition, Methods, and More

Cryptanalysis Definition

The Cryptanalysis refers to in the original sense the study of methods and techniques to win information from encrypted texts.

Nowadays, the term Cryptanalysis more generally refers to the analysis of cryptographic methods with the aim of either “ breaking ” them.

It cancels or circumvent their protective function, or demonstrate and quantify their security.
Cryptanalysis is therefore the “counterpart” to cryptography . Both are sub-areas of cryptology.

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What are the Goals of Cryptanalysis?

The possible goals depend on the type of cryptographic process. For all cryptographic methods that use a secret key, the determination of the secret key is a far-reaching goal of an attack.

The following attack targets are still relevant for encryption methods:

  1. Decryption, d. H. the determination of the plain text.
  2. For a ciphertext and two potential plaintext texts, the attacker has to determine which is the correct plaintext.
  3. If this is not possible efficiently (i.e., in polynomial time ), this property refers to as
    semantic security or ciphertext distinguishability.
  4. Semantic security considered for both asymmetrical and symmetrical cryptographic processes.
  5. The attacker tries to generate a valid ciphertext without knowing the corresponding plaintext.

What are the methods of [Cryptanalysis]?

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