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Why, when, and when not to hire offshore developers?

Why, when, and when not to hire offshore developers?

Many IT companies worldwide are now hiring people from other countries to work on their projects. In today’s world, companies are turning to outsource for various reasons, such as cost savings, access to specialised talent, improved operational efficiency, etc.

As a result of the COVID-19 epidemic, organisations are gradually transitioning from in-house to remote setups, which has boosted this trend.

It’s hard to tell if you should hire someone from another country. This blog post presents concrete examples of when it makes sense to work with an offshore developer.

Why go for remote offshore developers?

There are a lot of benefits to offshore development, and that’s why so many businesses around the world are starting to use it as well. The following are a few of the many advantages that offshore development has to offer:

Low labour cost

One of the main reasons companies should outsource is that it costs less to hire people. It’s not a secret that developers in places like Asia, Latin America, and Africa charge less than developers in the US or Europe.


Those who work on your project from outside the United States have a lot of skills and knowledge. In simple terms, they are an expert in their field of work. People who have skills and know-how can use them to get better results if you hire them, so it’s a good idea.


You can hire remote developers from all over the world to help you grow your business. It’s also possible to use the time zone difference to work for 24 hours a day if you have offshore developers in place.

Manage peak demands

If businesses want to stay ahead of their competitors, they must keep up with the changes in the market. It’s hard to keep up with the news and remain competitive simultaneously. This gets more challenging, however, when working with an internal team.

Offshore development companies come to the rescue in situations such as these. People who work for these companies are skilled at working remotely from other countries, and they know how to work with the most up-to-date market trends. Furthermore, these developers have been certified and are good at what they do.

When to hire remote developers

We just learned why it’s essential to hire people from other countries to do work for you. We’ll see now when you should hire them. If you want to hire an offshore developer, here are a few reasons why you should.

Looking to reduce liabilities

Software outsourcing requires a team capable of working independently on a project with minimal oversight from the client. Such a team can help you achieve positive results and keep your business growing long-term.

However, if you work and manage too many things, you can have debts that cost money and time to fix. However, with the assistance of an offshore development team, you may significantly reduce these risks.

Tight budget

To hire in-house resources, you need to set up infrastructure, set up systems, and pay for sick leave and vacation time. This can be very expensive for businesses or start-ups that don’t have much money to work with.

A company or startup can save up to 60% of the cost of an in-house team by utilising offshore remote staff in these situations.

Business scaling

It’s hard to grow your business, but you need to do it if you want to stay and grow in the market. You need to make sure that your business can follow various growth strategies, such as cutting costs, implementing new technology, and developing.

In the process of business scaling, hiring an offshore team can help. It allows you to be more flexible, streamlines business processes, lets you enter new markets worldwide, and scale up and down very quickly.

To achieve targeted time-to-market

It’s not worth it for any business to waste time in this day and age. Even if you’re an IT company, time is significant because you’ll need to quickly get new products and software out to the public.

An offshore development team is essential in this case because they can help you get your products and software to market at the speed you want them to. Having an offshore team enables you to do things like get your business to grow, so you don’t have to worry about things like making money.

Dropping team productivity

Many tasks that aren’t done well by your in-house team can be outsourced. This isn’t just limited to functions that your team isn’t very good at. You can go one step further and outsource all of your core skills.

When your in-house team’s productivity declines, outsourcing core capabilities can be a good option. Having less work done can also make profits go down. In the COVID-19 crisis, it’s hard to keep profit margins.

They come in from the outside. As an added benefit, outsourcing key jobs can give your internal staff much-needed respite while simultaneously bolstering their productivity and efficiency levels.

When you require a core skillset

You often can’t find an in-house person who has the core skills you need to finish the project. So, you hire an offshore team of developers who need the skills to make your site work well.

This solution is more cost-effective than hiring an in-house developer with the needed skill set.

When you need resources for short-term projects

Short-term projects in one field don’t make sense to hire someone full time. When the project is done, there won’t be any more projects.

In this case, the best thing to do is hire remote developers from outside the country who can work on the project as needed. Offshore developers give you the most freedom. It’s also an excellent way to save money because you only have to pay them for their work on that one project.

When you need to provide 24×7 support

Your brand needs to have a strong identity if you offer 24-hour customer service. If you work for a small business or start-up, you can’t provide these services because you have no money.

In this case, start-ups and small businesses can hire remote developers to help their customers 24 hours a day, seven days a week. Another way to get help with customer service apps and tools is to hire people who work from home to make things like Chatbots, voice recognition software, etc.

Struggling against increased salaries

Second, there is a shortage of jobs, which means high demand for employment and a limited supply. Many countries are having a hard time finding sound software engineers. Often, companies have to make a deal and hire people who don’t have the skills they need.

The advent of remote offshore developers means that organisations no longer have to make compromises and pay higher salaries to keep up with the competition. They can hire top-notch software developers worldwide and pay them a fair price.

When you’re looking to mitigate risk

Outsourcing is a great way to reduce the risk of something going wrong. It gives you a chance to spread your business risks by separating essential parts of your business from the software outsourcing service you’re paying for.

Looking to use cutting-edge technology effectively

Tools, platforms, and processes in the IT sector are constantly evolving, making it challenging to keep up. If your in-house team can’t use these tools and technologies, you might be behind everyone else.

To address this, you can employ an offshore development team comprised of professionals adept at implementing cutting-edge technologies and techniques effectively.

When not to hire offshore developers?

In the end, outsourcing is a win-win situation for everyone. However, you should not outsource all of your work to someone else. Here are some reasons you shouldn’t hire developers from outside your country.

If you’re an expert in your competencies

Companies usually outsource things they don’t know how to do or have a lot of experience with. However, outsourcing is unnecessary if you already possess the necessary skills. Stick with your in-house team if you’re sure they have the skills and experience you need.

If outsourcing is expensive

When you hire offshore developers, one of the main benefits is that you can save money on your project. But if some outsourcing companies give you a price that is way too high, then offshoring doesn’t work. This situation necessitates using another offshore development company that provides cost-effective solutions.

If there’s a loss of control

You must always be in charge of the whole project, even if you’re working with people in your own company or offshoring your work. If you want to know how the project is going, you must be able to check on it at regular times.

Unless the offshore development company is willing to provide you with full access to all project files and documentation, outsourcing will not be successful for you.

You should keep in mind a few things before embarking on an offshore development project: There is a risk that if you lose control, then the decision to hire an offshore development company can go bad very fast.


When you hire offshore developers, you can grow your business, access a wide range of skills, boost productivity, and save money. As a bonus, it removes many of the stumbling blocks of overseeing an internal staff.

There are times when you should hire them. I hope this post has answered your query and dispelled any lingering worries you may have had about when it is OK to employ freelance developers.

Author Byline:

Rajalekshmy KR, SEO Content Specialist working in NeoITO– a reliable startup product development company in USA. She always seeks feedback from tech founders, product owners, and business strategists to write about subjects valuable to her readers.

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