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What is Spiceworks Network Monitor? – Definition, Features and More

What is Spiceworks Network Monitor? – Definition, Features and More

What is Spiceworks Network Monitor?

Spiceworks Network Monitor monitors your servers and SNMP-compatible devices, such as routers and switches on board, and is easy to use.

Spiceworks Network Monitor offers real-time updates on servers, switches, and any IP device. It is designed for companies that monitor less than 25 devices. Thousands of companies use Spiceworks to monitor critical infrastructure, including switches, servers, and IP devices.

It is very simple to install and easy to configure. Quickly add devices to the board and see the data immediately as lightning. Obtain real-time network information and detect slow, slow or overflowed systems and devices long before they fail or users start calling.

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Spiceworks is a software development company based in Austin, Texas. The formation of the company was in early 2006 by Scott Abel, Jay Hallberg, Greg Kattawar and Francis Sullivan as an “integrated community with an ad connection.”

The design of this software application is for network administrators working in small to medium enterprises, and the management of up to 1,000 network devices. The research was funded with an initial round of $ 5 million from Austin Companies.

The development of Spiceworks was in Ruby on Rails. An open-source web application framework (although Spiceworks itself is not open source) and runs on Microsoft Windows.

The software discovers Windows, Unix, Linux and Mac OS X machines along with other IP addressable devices, such as routers, mobiles, printers, etc.

Features of Spiceworks Network Monitor

Get the latest network information without clutter. Control everything in your kingdom with a single easy-to-use control panel.

Verify that IP-enabled devices are online and respond to either ping, HTTP, SIP or a user-defined protocol. Sign up for VOIP phones, security cameras, access control systems and more to give you peace of mind.

With Spiceworks Network Monitor, easily adjust alert thresholds for in-app notifications or emails (or both). And also, change alert sensitivity globally or set custom levels for individual devices.

Besides, it helps you to find the features you are looking for without having to order a large number of functions that you don’t need. A simple network monitor designed to be fast and easy to configure and use

Also, Spicework’s support is completely free. Online or by phone, chat with IT professionals who speak technology and have walked in your shoes.

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