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Five Things That Make a Great Customer Experience

Five Things That Make a Great Customer Experience

Happy customers are the mark of a successful business. Your sales and reviews may reveal positive customer experiences, but there is always room to grow, expand your audience, and retain more customers.

Step Up the Unboxing Game

The customer journey doesn’t stop once they make a purchase. A smooth shipping process, unboxing experience, and follow-up survey are all ways to leave customers with a positive impression of your brand after they click “checkout.”

On-brand and efficient packaging has always been a priority, but social media has forced companies to innovate and become more intentional about their packaging materials and appearance. Through platforms like YouTube, content creators have found success in posting unboxing videos. Their audiences will like and subscribe to watch them unwrap new products.

With thousands of viewers watching, the pressure is on to improve the sustainability and attractiveness of your packaging. Thankfully, there are numerous options for customizable

mailers that make the unboxing experience more enjoyable for customers and get viewers interested in your brand. Packages should increase customer excitement and deliver products safely.

Focus on the Employee Experience

Excellent customer experiences start with supporting and training your team members. Unhappy and uncared-for employees aren’t able to enthusiastically and effectively serve your customers.

Check in with your employees to help them avoid burnout and offer the resources they need to thrive in their roles. Content employees equipped with appropriate tools can focus on customers and deliver results. What’s more, customers are more likely to purchase from and recommend brands that care for their teams. People-centric work culture is crucial to efficient operations and brand reputability, both of which make a great customer experience. If you feel at a loss for how to support your employees, ask for their feedback and suggestions.

Make Your Business More Accessible

As a customer, few things are as frustrating as looking for help and being placed on hold for several hours or looking through FAQ articles and not finding the answers you need. You can’t predict every customer query or have employees available to take calls around the clock. However, you can invest in automation technologies to make your brand and expertise more accessible.

Although they aren’t foolproof replacements for human customer service representatives, online chatbots can guide customers in the right direction and help them solve problems that arise. You can also engage in automated email and SMS marketing to send personalized messages to your target audience. This software allows you to segment your audience based on where they are in the customer journey and avoid sending spam or irrelevant information.

Consistency is key to creating a great customer experience. You might feel overwhelmed, pulled in a million different directions trying to keep a strong handle on your brand. To ease some of the pressure and meet customer expectations, you can invest in omnichannel customer management tools to track how customers respond to your brand across multiple platforms.

Create Customer Journey Maps

Improving your customer experience starts with understanding the customer’s perspective. One of the most powerful tools at your disposal is a customer journey map. These maps outline the different stages customers go through to make a purchase, beginning with awareness (when they first learn about your brand) and ending with a purchase and follow-up. They show where customers discover your brand, what calls to action encourage them to visit your website, and how they feel about your brand after using your product.

Using customer journey maps, you can sympathize with your target audience and anticipate their behavior. When you can predict what customers need, you can provide solutions and benefits in real-time. Additionally, customer journey maps are effective visual aids that allow you to share consistent information between all departments and team members, encouraging them to work towards a common goal. Gaps in your operations and marketing strategies are also easier to spot using these maps.

Solicit Customer Feedback

Picture this: A brand asks you to fill out a survey. You respond honestly and fill the comment section with complications you experienced during the checkout process. A couple of weeks later, you receive a follow-up email from the brand outlining how they utilized your feedback to improve their checkout options. Though you experienced challenges when purchasing from this brand, you most likely had a positive customer experience. Why? Because this brand proved that it valued your opinions and adapted to provide solutions.

Use surveys and reviews to get detailed suggestions to reach and retain customers. Interacting with customers and implementing their feedback shows that you care about their experience with your brand and that you are truly customer-centric.


From supporting your employees to customizing your packaging options, there are numerous ways you can upgrade the customer experience. As long as you actively solicit feedback and analyze the customer journey, you’ll create a loyal group of satisfied customers.

Review Five Things That Make a Great Customer Experience.

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