Productive While Working From Home
Finding the motivation to work from home is not as easy as it may sound. Perhaps you have always thought about how nice it would be to avoid the office and just type the keyboard while you are in bed with your laptop.
Well, the reality is different. According to SHRM, roughly 30 percent of remote workers struggle to find motivation and maintain proper productivity levels.
It is still too soon to tell when things will be back to normal, and we can restore the status quo of our work location. Thus, sticking to remote employment is the only option for the time being, and you will need to get used to it.
This article will provide you with valuable information and tell you how to become more productive at home. If you have been unhappy with your productivity, you may find some solutions below.
Step #1 – Set up a Proper Workspace
Productivity is hard to achieve if you do not have a proper workplace setup. There is no need to turn your room into a home office, but having a desk, a chair, and a computer you use for working would be a good start.
Taking the necessary safety measures is also a good piece of advice. For instance, you need to get reliable antivirus software to prevent potential threats that may slow down the computer.
A virtual private network is also worth considering, especially if you want to keep things more private on a computer you got from work instead of using your personal laptop or PC. The list of the best VPN Providers selected by VPNALERT should give you ideas regarding what to choose.
Step #2 – Stick to Schedule
Procrastination is common when there are no supervisors or colleagues that keep you on your toes. Being alone means more time to slack off instead of doing the actual work. And if the deadline is at the end of the week, not at the end of the day, you may be tempted to wait until the last moment.
Working late and barely finishing it is not a good approach. You need to stick to a proper schedule. Start work at an appropriate time and take proper lunch breaks. Aim to finish the tasks and leave the evening for some time off work.
Step #3 – Go Outside When You Can
Restrictions may be strict, but you should still find some time to go outside the home and take a breath of fresh air. Remaining inside all the time is not healthy, and you will not have a proper life in general, not to mention what it would do to your job.
Even if there are no opportunities to work out because the gyms are closed, and you do not have a proper setup at home, just taking a stroll in a park will do wonders for both your mental and physical health.
Step #4 – Keep in Touch With Others
Do not isolate yourself from others just because you need to stay home most of the time. Even if you cannot meet in person, it is still recommended to talk to your coworkers as well as other people, like friends and family.
You may be using various tools for work, but you should remember that there are plenty of means to communicate. You can choose from Discord, Zoom, emails, social media, and even phone calls or texting.
Step #5 – Have a Morning Routine
Sleeping longer because you do not have to commute to work every morning may not be the right method as it can cause balance problems for your schedule. You should not stay in bed for too long and get up like you would usually.
It is easier to find motivation in the mornings if you have something to do. For instance, perhaps you want to clean your room, or prepare a nice cup of coffee and start your day with that?
Step #6 – Take Advantage of Free Time
Like already mentioned, working from home gives you more free time as there is no need to drive to work in the mornings and in the evenings. You could use this time to learn new things or take up a new hobby.
Doing nothing and just lying around in bed after work is not great, and you will struggle. Similar to needing a breath of fresh air now and then, your body and mind desire something that will keep you busy and engaged.
Step #7 – Reward Yourself
Looking forward to something at the end of work is one of the best means of motivation. Maybe there is some ice cream in the fridge? Or perhaps a new episode of your favorite TV series is finally out, and you are eager to watch it?
These little rewards will feel more enjoyable if you do not have work-related problems at the back of your mind.
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