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What is JavaScript? – Definition, Functions, Specialties, And More

What is JavaScript? – Definition, Functions, Specialties, And More

Definition JavaScript (JS)

JavaScript, JS, is a programming language that conforms to the ECMAScript specification. JavaScript is high-level, often just-in-time compiled, and multi-paradigm. It has curly-bracket syntax, dynamic typing, prototype-based object-orientation, and first-class functions.

JavaScript is a popular programming language that makes websites come alive. It is one of the most popular programming languages, in contrast to HTML (which specifies content) and CSS (which specifies layout), and, unlike PHP, it runs on visitor devices and not on the server.

JavaScript is relatively easy to learn

  • Developed by Netscape, now used in 92% of the websites;
  • JS can get assigned to certain elements on the site, such as clicks
  • JavaScript works in different browsers and devices;
  • It is lighter and faster than other programming languages;
  • It may be less secure than other options due to its popularity;

JavaScript can directly get added to HTML, or you can store it in separate files. There is a reason It is so popular – it is so good at what it does. So if you’ve been wondering, we hope this resource was helpful and that you now have a good idea of ​​what JS is and how it works.

There are many resources for JavaScript UI widgets which saves time for creating applications by writing less code.

How to add JavaScript to a website?

To insert JavaScript code into a web page, you must use the <script> tag.

<script type = “text / javascript”>

Your JavaScript code


It’s good to include your JavaScript within the <header> tags for your website unless you need to run it at a specific time or with a specific web page element. You can also save your JavaScript as separate files and call them as needed throughout the website.

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How is it different from other programming languages?


Helps you to add content to a web page.


Defines the alignment, style of web pages, and layouts.


Improves the behavior of the web.

It is easy to learn and use for a wide variety of purposes, from improving the functionality of a website to organization games and web-based software.


JavaScript has a lot of advantages that make it better than its competitors; some of the benefits of using JavaScript include:

You don’t need a compiler because web browsers interpret it with HTML;

  • It is easier to learn
  • Errors are more comfortable to detect and correct
  • can be assigned to certain web page elements or specific events, such as clicks or mouseover;
  • JS works on multiple browsers and platforms.
  • JS is useful to validate inputs and reduce the need for manual data checks
  • Websites look more interactive and draw the attention of visitors
  • It is faster than other programming languages.


The downside of this programming language is there is an additional incentive for hackers, scammers, and other malicious third parties to try to find loopholes and security flaws. Some weaknesses include:

Vulnerable to threats

  • to carry out malicious code on a user’s computer;
  • not always matched with different browsers and devices;
  • The JS code snippets are quite large;
  • On different devices, it can be displayed differently and generate inconsistencies.

How does It work on your website?

JS is generally embedded directly into a web page or referenced through a separate file. It gets downloaded and processed there before sending the files to the visitors.

Many web browsers offer the capability to disable JavaScript; it is a good idea to specify what happens if it gets downloaded to a machine that does not support it.

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Review What is JavaScript? – Definition, Functions, Specialties, And More.

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